Let Me Explain This Picture

Kimberly🚮🚮😘 • Momma to Orion, Taurus, opinionated (sorry)

I posted a picture earlier and was suddenly a monster who put my cigarettes too close to my child.

First, I was working. My son goes with me. The term "little monster" is because he gets into everything. Sorry what I call MY child offends YOU.

Second, he was in his swing. Not sitting in his carseat the whole time. I just used that picture of him.

Third, those are freaking papers. Not cigarettes.

Finally, he's learned how to wiggle up in his swing apparently since those are kept higher up.

I don't believe for one second that anyone judging another mother because her child just happened to get into something he shouldn't have is innocent either. In fact, I would bet money that at some point your kids have managed to reach something you didn't think they could. Because that's what babies do. So before you tell me I'm awful, check your own hands. And then shove your opinion of me as a mother up your butt. (Sorry just irritated)