what should I do..???? TMI⚠️

I had a cvs done on Thursday afternoon. The drs said no lifting heavy things no lifting my arms above my head and no sex all for 2 days. I did just that. Well me and SO had sex last night around 11 I felt fine no cramping or anything. I woke up at 3 am and felt something like a liquid coming out. I went to the bathroom and this is what I got nothing was in the toilet though just on the pad and when I wiped it was a light reddish orange color. The dr said my baby has turners and I could end up having a late miscarriage because of it and said if I have a period like bleeding or cramping to go to the er. This is what I woke up to. No cramping though. Should I go to the er or wait til morning to see what happensot if I bleed more?? Or could this just possibly just be from sex????