my boyfriend won't talk about our problems

My boyfriend and I have been together for two years and we still can't communicate. 
We are 24 and 25. Any time we have a problem or argument I feel like I need to sit and calmly talk to him about it the next day. I have done this with friends too and it's always sorted out any issues and brought us closer.  I like to talk about why it happened and talk about how we can get past it and prevent it happening again. I feel like this is necessary for a healthy relationship. 
My boyfriend has always had a problem with this. His resolution for every argument is to pretend it never happened and never speak about it again. When I try to talk to him about something he won't look at me or respond. I might get the occasional 'ok' or 'yes' but only when I repeat what I've said or touch him to check if he's listening. I just want to know how he is feeling. I hate having to constantly worry about what he is thinking.
Has anyone else experienced this with a partner? And if you have how did you get them to communicate with you better?