confused :/

So a year ago today my best friend asked me out, and we dated but ended horribly around the time I lost my best friend to suicide. Him and I didn't last long, it was about 4 months sadly but we've been best friend since way before that. We were distant for a while, I was heart broken and he was off partying and crap acting like nothing happened, about 3 months ago he came to my house and told me he was sorry and wanted to become close again, me not being over him said yes ofc and we talk everyday, and hangout all the time. But I'm still worried that I'm not over him because I tried becoming a thing with this amazing guy and we didn't work out because I couldn't stop thinking about my ex. And a few weeks ago I went to a huge fair with my girl best friend, her boyfriends best friend is my ex and so him and I went together. Anyways today (what would have been our one year) he's been really annoying but I'm talking to the amazing guy I tried to be with before and idk what to do, does my ex miss me? Is it worth trying? His best friends say yeah but idk. And this other guy is amazing I just don't know, and I think about it all the time :///