scarred about my decision.

So i am 29 and 14 weeks pregnant. I have a 9 yr old daughter and i recently got married in october. My daughters father and I broke up when she was 7 months old. I've been a single mom ever since. We shAre custody. I have 80/20. Meaning I have her majority of the time but she's with her dad sunday/monday and every other saturday. When We got married I wanted to try for a baby right away. I got married Oct 7th concieved Nov 30th. We were beyond excited. Then reality set in. Im going to have a BABY! I havent had a baby in 9 years. Im excited for this baby but yet so terrified at the same time. WhAt did I get myself into, am I really ready for this, how is our lives gonna change, can our relationship survive. Will my daughter feel left out because the baby will need so much attention?!? I have to deliever this baby. I feel terrible because I wanted this baby, which dont get me wrong I do but I am also SO TERRIFIED at the same time. I had such bad baby fever i didnt stop to think about anything ELSE that came with having a baby!!! Has any other exspecting
Moms felt this way?!? Is it normal to be excited yet completely scared at the same time?!?