Relationship during pregnancy (Rant-Ish)?

I've been with my boyfriend for 2 years now, we've always had a very good relationship. I never cried or stressed, I was always completely happy, even if we never did anything I was satisfied. I'm currently 10 weeks pregnant, and I've cried more than I've ever cried before. He's so mean to me now, he yells at me, tells me I aggravate him, or I'm boring or he's losing interest in me. Now, I've always had low self esteem so I've always buried myself in school work and work to keep my mind off of it, but the names he calls me hurts a lot, and he's always telling me he doesn't want to be with me anymore, and he puts his friends over me a lot of times. If I'm sick, he always says "you're not even all that pregnant to be sick" like... I'm still pregnant idk how I'm supposed to feel and when I get bad anxiety and feel like I need to go to the hospital for my baby, if I ask him to go with me he always says "I'm not going, go with your sister or by yourself " it's his responsibility not my sister's. I'm just very afraid of stressing out and losing my baby, especially cause we tried so hard. But I feel like since I've gotten pregnant, he's done nothing but make my self esteem feel way worse and just me in general. He never asks me how I'm feeling or how's the baby doing. Advice?