UPDATE on my post from 3 days ago.

I posted about three days ago that me and my husband had sexual intercourse and immediately after we got done I was in so much pain that I couldn't move , I was in tears , my pelvic area hurts so much even to touch. The pain hurts so much it caused me to have a headache and started causing pain in my lower back area. this was all pain on the right side pelvic area and the right side of my back. I had to use a heating pad. I've never experienced something like that before. but now the pain is completely gone. I'm wondering if the pain was from ovulation because I was in my fertile window . I was on my last day in my fertile window and I don't use OPK's to figure out if I'm ovulating or not so I'm pretty sure that's what it was , I was ovulating maybe and that's what caused the pain because it's not happening now and me and my husband had sex again twice last night and I had no pain at all 🤗. Has anyone ever had similar situation to this and it was because of ovulation? What's your pain like during ovulation? is it something similar to what I said? I would love to know…