SAHM husband never lets me spend money

We have two kids under two and after the second was born my husband and I decided it would make more sense for me to stay home with the kids then just work to pay for daycare. Before our kids I was a nurse and very independent. Ever since I've become a SAHM i have to ask my husband if I need to spend money and 99% of the time he tells me no. We just got a big tax return and I ended up $75 on getting our kids clothes (they both needed the next size up) and he was mad because he wanted to put a down payment on street bike😒 He doesn't even let me grocery shop on my own, he has to come with me so e can decide what we do and don't buy. It's so frustrating, I feel like a child constantly having to ask for money. For the record it's not like I have a spending problem, I can't even remember the last time I spent money on myself, usually when I ask him for money it s for something the kids need or we need for the house (cleaning supplies etc). I hate the just because he makes the money he thinks he holds all the control. He doesn't respect my position as a stay at home mom at all. It sucks that if I want to go out and meet my friend for coffee (which happens once in a blue moon) that I have to ask my husband for money and I usually get turned down😩 I've talked to him about it and he always just says that he makes the money so this is how it's going to be. What would you do? Going back to work isn't really an option for me right now because daycare costs where we live are ridiculously high and it would take my paycheck  and then some to pay for it for two babies under two.