TMI Photo; Please help!! **updated**

I have PCOS and we've been trying for a baby. I have irregular periods but after my miscarriage last year my period seemed to come every 4-6 weeks. This week or next week should be my period but instead I have a very little brown or very dark red spotting. I've also been experiencing pain in my right ovary time to time since last week. 
I have 2 concerns; I'm working out a lot lately but stopped 2 days ago since I'm thinking (& hoping) I could be pregnant so should I still continue my routine with a lighter workout or completely stop?
Another is, what could this be? Has anybody experienced this? Something to be worried about? Should I go straight to the doctor? 
I've attached a photo of my spotting today. Sorry if it's TMI[removed photo]
I took a pregnancy test and there's a faint line. I'll go to the doctor to see how it goes.
Thanks for your reply.