do I have a point?

So here's the deal. My bf and I have been dating long distance for 3 years. We see each other monthly and all. He graduates in may and  I am in a doctorate program and have my own apartment. Well the original plan was for my bf to move in. I've been thinking and him and I have never spent more than 3 weeks together. I know we both are at stressful times and honestly think he should rent a place temporaily. My parents bought and own my apartment and I know my bf doesn't like it since theirs no garage and all. But I can't sell it cause it's not my money and I am happy and close to my school. My bf got all upset when I said he rent a place but here's my reason 1. Say we do break up then we don't have to have that awkward moving out period ect 2. We haven't really dated and like slept over each other's because we were long distance and stayed with our parents. What do you guys think? I'm saying this as a temporairy thing just until we see how we go since all we know is long distance. I feel like jumping in and living together will be so overwhelming. Like without a doubt I want to be with him forever. I just want to try to prevent a huge fight about trivial stuff when we aren't used to in person dating.