am I wrong ?

Am I wrong for not sending stuff over to the father house when the baby goes over there and if they go over there ? 
For example: bottles, extra clothes, bibs, toys ? He doesn't take care of things and plus he keep saying when he get his "tax money" he'll buy stuff but he lies a lot and that's why we're not together and another reason I refuse to get back with him, he's manipulative, he's lied about getting his job back saying he needed bus money to drop off papers so dummy me kept giving him money and turned out he just been spending it on weed and or cigarettes. At this point the baby won't be going over there until i feel like his MOTHER house is up to my standards, and apparently I'm wrong for doing that also. 
He cries about bed bugs and I say you think my baby is going to go over there then he doesn't say anything, his whole family smokes and I can't be around smoke cause of my asthma and I just don't want my baby around it, he says everyone smoke outside well Idc because the smoke smell is still very strong and I just don't want his family around my baby anyway because they hate me for no reason. 
He says he's going to go to court to fight it but I tell him remember you have a past history of getting arrested, your family keeps weed in the house and your bothers who can't stay out of trouble who's also always wanted or in jail have guns and drugs in the house so I said he might wanna think twice about taking me to court.
I tell him you can see the baby just not over there because im not gonna keep using my gas to drive back and forth over there, but then he says he doesn't have a way and I say oh well, you'll see the baby on the days I'm off and that's twice a week ... 
am I wrong for feeling this way ? 
This is the same guy who's gotten hundreds of dollars out of me because he "needed help" but when he HAD a job cheated on me, left me and never offered to give me my money back or anything, this is also the same person who wanted me to be his side girl while he dated another girl. 
I didn't think I could get pregnant and the baby was a complete surprise. 
Now that I'm worried about my baby and buying everything for him, so far he just need bottles and more clothes.. but now that I have my first job, just bought me a car and graduated trying to start college he thinks I changed and being a bitch just because I won't give him another chance to be a family and get married in the future or give him some money for weed. 
I just feel like I'm doing what I have to and I'm not being selfish. I feel like I'm right for feeling like this !!!