Snapchat relationship issues

Okay so to start things off, I love my boyfriend very much. We have a great relationship for the most part, we have our arguments here and there but who doesn't? We've been together for 4 years, living together for 2 years and expecting a daughter together in April. When we first met, I had lots of friends, I was very social and active on social media. However, after about 6 months to a year of being together he convinced me to delete my Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and has since expressed that if I were to ever get back on any of those sites he would be extremely pissed. I continued to use my snapchat with no issues or complaints from him. One day, I was upset and going through personal issues and tired of drama that was going on between friends so I chose to delete my snap chat, without even mentioning it to him. Fast forward to now, Ive felt very left out of my friends day to day lives, I've lost a lot of the friends I used to have due to not having very much contact, and since I'm due with my baby very soon I'd like to reconnect and keep the friends that I do still have, updated on my pregnancy. Well I mentioned it the other night that I'd like to download snap chat again and he got upset and told me it would put a burden on our relationship because he would be worried about people sending me inappropriate pictures. (He has major trust issues, to the point that he freaks out and covers my eyes if there's a nude scene in a movie and gets pissed when I laugh and move his hand) so anyways, after some negotiating and back and forth, his words to me were "do whatever you want" so I downloaded the app and didn't really announce it to him. I've had it for about 3 or 4 days and I love keeping in touch with my friends and it makes me feel good to not be the outcast anymore. Well the other night he saw me on it, and he got really really really pissed. He will barely speak to me, and when I do try to talk to him hes a jerk. I asked him to give me a chance to trust me and he says he does trust me, he just doesn't trust my friends and what they might send me. I just don't want to be bullied into deleting the app just so that things will go back to normal. Idk what to do. I obviously love him, and respect his feelings and I hate that this has upset him. But I also want to stand my ground and not be controlled anymore. I really just want some advice on how I should handle this situation. I'm having his child, were very much in love. Breaking up is not an option. I don't think the app is worth ruining my relationship over but I feel that he should respect me as the adult that I am to make my own decisions.

If you've made it this far, thanks for reading. Any POSITIVE insight will be appreciated.