in love with my gay friend!!

So me and my guy friend who happens to be gay have known eachother for about 3 years now. He's honestly so hot to be gay, I have nothing against gays but the more we spend time together the more I'm falling for him. I've even seen him shower at my place he has the hottest body. Doesn't dress like a girl he's just a normal guy who claims he's gay. And just the fact that we can tell eachother everything I feel like I can be myself around him. And I care for him so much, I know he's "gay" but he has never mentioned sleeping with anyone or anything like that. I wonder if I have a chance????
 I know it's sounds so weird but I actually want to have a relationship with him besides just being friends ☹️ which is a bummer because he's gay. Has anyone been in this situation before and how did it turn out? Do I have a chance? 
Courtney: the fact that I seen him shower doesn't mean I'm a creep. It's not that I'm trying to look..He leaves the door wide open and I have shower glass doors and he doesn't mind me seeing him because sometimes I literally go in there to do my makeup or whatever.