my epidural experience

I'm pregnant with my second child. I used IV pain meds with my first and was happy with them, but an epidural was never "off the table" for me. I'm wanting a natural birth this time around, but whatever happens, happens. If it's too much, I'll take the pain meds. 
Anyway, I've been hospitalized for almost a week because a kidney stone has completly blocked my ureter. Because of the baby, it's unsafe to remove it so they put a stent in my ureter to unblock it, and after I give birth they will remove both the stent and the stone. In order to put the stent in, they had to go up my urethra, so they gave me an epidural. As soon as it kicked in and I couldn't feel my legs, I had a complete panic attack. I just could not handle knowing I can't walk and couldn't feel my legs. I also felt completely violated and it was just such an awful feeling. I still cry when I think about it. I now know that an epidural is off the table for me! 
I just feel odd that so many women don't seem to have the same reaction as I did.. like, what's wrong with me? Or is that anxiety normal, just no one talks about it? Or, when you get an epidural for labor, does it have the same effect??