Fatigue and Sex Drive

Tracy • TECTA and CDA certified. Full-time teacher. A certified toddler specialist but I also specialize in my hubby😝
I NEED HELP!! So as of late I've been doing everything I can to avoid stress. But I don't think it's working. I'm a bubbly, fun, smile even when it's raining kind of person. Lately I don't really smile much, I'm always hungry, fatigue is through the roof and I can't even stay asleep through the night. I don't know what to do! I've tried reading, writing, even tea...It helps temporarily but I just feel like it comes back. The stress isn't a small thing that can go away. It has to do with some things going on my step dad and half brother, but I still care about them despite them not really being my blood relatives...What else can I do for stress?! I will do anything at this point