getting discouraged

Last af was super light and only about two days but that's my normal and that was on 1/27. I had sex on 2/12 and my estimated ovulation period was 2/13-2/17. On 2/17 I began having symptoms such as overwhelming fatigue, incredibly tender breasts which has not stopped and my breasts are swollen, my abdomen feels heavy and different. I've had constipation, mild nausea, head aches, and I've been crazy moody. My boyfriend and several other people have suddenly asked if I'm pregnant and lord knows everything in me feels I am. But I took a test on 2/25 and it was negative. I was so anxious I was shaky and didn't hold it down and then when I went to sit it on the counter and dropped it on the floor. Does that affect the results? My period is due 2/28 and I know I need to wait to test again. Am I crazy? Or can I be pregnant and just not get a positive yet. Any advice and does anyone know why you are instructed to hold the test down and lay it flat? Oh and I can't forget that my symptoms are stronger I cried over straightening my hair today.