My SUPER LATE Birth Story ! (kinda funny)

So I thought I'd get to be those lucky first moms whose water breaks maybe a week or two before her due date . But that did not happen at all . I actually had my baby 2 weeks after my due date . Keep in mind though I have been 1 CM DIALATED for the past couple weeks . So I was scheduled to go into the hospital at 9 pm . So my mama, and my hubby got all of our stuff together that day and went in at 9pm . We got into the delivery room (it didn't even look like one at first ) and that's when we filled out some paper work and did the basic stuff super fast . We all decided that my boyfriend would stay with me at the hospital because there was 1 couch that pulled out and told my mom to get some rest at home and that we will keep her updated. We are also updating my Bfs mom . At 10 pm the nurse gave me a pill to open up my cervix . She said she would check me every 4 hours . I felt nothing . She came back at 2 am to check me . I was at about a 2 . Going super slow  . So she gave me another pill . She said if I don't dialate much again then she will start me on pitocin . 4 hours past . It's 6am . I'm at a damn 3 . So she starts me on pitocin . We texted our moms to let them know I've started Pitocin. My Boyfriends mom thinks it will take a while because most women on pitocin last at least 12 hrs in labor. Plus she's had 3 kids lol . I start feeling contractions after about an hour of having pitocin . That's when I make sure my BF is up with me because if I'm awake he's going to be awake with me. So by this time I'm having contractions and breathing through them and my BF is looking at the machine that reads your contractions and he says "wow that was really high did you feel that one ?" 😐 well duh! So I'm shaking a bit but I read it was normal so I'm not trippin. Still going through my contractions thinking to myself "you can do this " . Now MIND YOU THIS .....IM THINKING IM AT LIKE A 4 OR 5 " I mean I definitely planned to have an epidural but I wanted to go to at least a 5 so that I can know my pain tolerance on my first pregnancy . And I guess new shifts started cause now I have a different nurse .  She checks me at 7 am . She asked how much I was dialated the last time I told her like a 3. So she puts her fingers in to check . Looks at me with an odd face . I'm over here freaking out like "what lady ?" She said you're at a 7 . I was thinking No wonder those contractions were hurting so bad . So we text our moms to COME NOW! And Now I'm freaking out because I didn't want to miss my window for an epidural !! So luckily they said "so are you getting an epidural?" I was like "YES!" So I had my nurse prepping the room and 2 guys giving me papers so they can give me an epidural . After all that my mom comes in ! I'm like in heaven cause I don't feel my contractions anymore ! We're texting his mom like "Hurry!" My nurse tries to put a catheter in but she can't because my babies head is so low ! So now we're like calling his mom and she answers the phone . She's hysterical!!!!! Like "hold on I'm coming I'm trying to hurry there so much traffic " I'm like "okay you can get here it's okay don't worry you'll be alright" LUCKILY MY DOC HAD ANOTHER LADY IN LABOR WHO WAS GIVING BIRTH ! Because if she didn't I would be giving birth and his mom would've missed it . So finally his mom gets there at 9:25 !!!! I haven't pushed yet ! It's like 9:40 and I start to push ! My mom and my BF are looking at my area & my BF mom is beside me saying "you can do this pushhhh" ..... Kataleyah Nicole Bowles 7lbs. 11oz. Born at 9:50am . I'm so lucky of 2 hours in labor on my first pregnancy and lucky for a supportive family ! I was crying when she came out ! She was so beautiful! It was an experience you can't even explain. You think love is unexplainable. It's way more than that ! So everyone is taking pictures! I get moved into my new room like an hour later everyone is looking at the baby while the nurses are taking stuff off me and my arms . Then family comes while I still have energy. Cause the next day I was a wreck ! I was so sore ! But any who that's another story ! Hope you enjoyed my story !!!! 
She I sad cause she isn't all bundled in warmth 
7lbs. 11oz.
Daddy proud smile ❤️
The light is too bright for her !
Little foot prints 💕👣
Family picture❤️
My mom & her 1st grand baby ! 
Going home outfit !
Day after we came home ❤️
Now !!!! 3months old . 15lbs my little Ley Bug ! 2.17.17