Help please

So at my 9 weeks dating ultrasound they said I was around 9 weeks which I knew. But I didn't here a heartbeat. They didn't say anything and nummy doctor hasn't called me. Can they turn it off so I don't hear the heartbeat or is there a chance of me misscarying. I'm 11 weeks now still with symptoms and no bleeding. Just worried I have not heard a heartbeat 
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Posted at
An ultrasound doesn't make noise unless the sonographer chose to put on Doppler, which is not medically advised, especially during the first trimester. You likely won't actually "hear" the heartbeat until around 12 weeks when your doctor uses a small Doppler device to find the heartbeat. That Doppler uses less power and poses a smaller risk to the developing baby than the Doppler on ultrasound.


Posted at
If she saw it then I wouldn't be concerned.


Posted at
I heard mine at 6 weeks and again at 7. I don't live in the states, but here in Brazil they actually measured it and put it on the report. I don't know why hey wouldn't do it then. But if you look at the heart, you can see it fluttering which tells you that it's beating. It's kinda cool actually.


Alissa • Feb 26, 2017
Ultrasound machine and that is why it is not medically advised because of unnecessary risk.


Alissa • Feb 26, 2017
The heart rate is measured and put on the report in the US as well. This is done using something called m mode however, which does not produce an audible sound. This is for good reason. The type of Doppler that creates a noise exposes the developing embryo to an unnecessary amount of power from the


Posted at
I only saw a heartbeat. I was not able to actually hear the heartbeat until 16 weeks. The Doppler couldn't pick it up until then. I have an anterior placenta.


Posted at
Did they see a heartbeat? and was baby 9 weeks developed or earlier?


Fa • Feb 26, 2017
She said cause it had hands I was at 9 weeks developed and she showed me the heart but I didn't hear it


Posted at
I couldn't hear it either when I was 9 weeks! I actually didn't hear it until I was 12 weeks. They just showed me the heart beat until then. 


Posted at
They didn't let me hear the heartbeat until my 20 week scan. If there was a concern they'd definitely let you know.