guess I don't do anything except sleep all day...

My husband has a little cold (man cold) and kept me up all night. Mind you I'm already having a hard time sleeping these days being 36 weeks pregnant and I have to pee 7 times a night. On top of that he took one of my pillows that help me with pelvic and back pain so it's a little bit more hard. Anyway, he goes to work in the morning and I decided that I'm not going to sleep anyway so I might as well do my daily things. The house has been a complete mess because when he's home it gets messy. Clothes on the floor, cups and plates in the living room etc. so I cleaned all day, running on little to no sleep. So he comes home and lays on the bed and we're talking and I say "thanks for keeping me up last night " and he replies... "at least you didn't have to go to work and got to sleep"...... did this man seriously walk into the house and not notice how everything he left all over the place is now clean??? Glad someone notices that I do absolutely f***ing nothing all day. Sorry for the long post but I needed to vent. Especially after last night I made dinner and he asked if we could eat out.... why do I bother? This man has a death wish.