My C Section Experience-With Pics


I just wanted to share my C Section story for those of you who might have a C Section. I knew in my heart and mind that my baby was still breech even though the doctor said he was fine. Also, I knew I'd go into labor earlier than my delivery date. I did all the research on c sections since my doctor wouldn't go over what a c section entails. So here is my story:

My water broke at 5 AM on 1/2/17. I felt a gush of a little water and I thought I just peed my pants a little, I went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet. I kept saying in my head no, no, no it's not my water. I didn't see wetness on my underwear at first so I was confused. But then I got up and realized my pants were wet. I waited a few minutes to make sure it really was my water, and after pacing the water kept leaking here and there. I woke up my husband and we packed up our daughter and our bag and headed to the hospital. It took about 20 minutes after my water started to leak when the contractions started. With my first child (8 years old now)  my water never broke so I didn't know what to expect.

At the hospital they made me change into a gown, she tested my vagina with some type of paper that tells her if my water broke. It came out negative but I knew it broke. Once she felt my cervix for dilation, it leaked some more and she then knew i wasn't crazy lol. I explained to her that the doctor said the baby was head down, but I knew my son was still breech, so she grabbed an US machine to confirm. I was right. Lol -duh- we know our bodies!!!! Don't doubt yourself ever. So she said, 'okay, we're going to schedule you for a c section' . I was terrified even though I had talked myself through that this most likely was going to happen. Until you actually hear the words in the hospital it's almost unreal.

They scheduled my c section for 8 am. A little before they separated me from my husband and daughter and brought me into the OR to get the anesthesia and prep for my c section.

The doctor explained to me that he was going to have me get a spinal tap, they'd clean me up, and then he'd make an incision to remove my son. I'd feel tugging and pulling but I WONT feel pain. (Thanks doc that makes me feel better). I was introduced to a scary anesthesiologist and I told him how my spine was croooked from Scoliosis, and he said it's fine and that I will be numb and I might have a hard time breathing because of how high in the body the anesthesia goes. 

So they wheeled me into a freezing cold OR room with lots of nurses and doctors and the anesthesiologist. I sat sideways on the bedand just like my first pregnancy I was told to keep. My chin tucked down, my shoulders pulled down, to push my lower spine out (kind of like rounding your back). By this point my contractions were very painful (approximately 8 cm dilated). The nurse stood infront of me for support (physically and emotionally) 

The anesthesiologist had a very difficult time getting my spinal tap in. I believe it was because of me having scoliosis. Things were getting very frustrating for both of us because he couldn't get the spinal tap to work and for me because I was doing the best I could to sit still while he did his thing. The spinal tap was extremely painful for me. I'm so sorry, but I have to be honest. It felt like a knife being shoved up my spine over and over again. He probably tried for a good 20 minutes. I have a very high pain tolerance but at this point I was praying to God out loud and begging him to get it in (I know, I know, that's what she said). 

Now, they gave up on the spinal tap and were trying to get the epidural in instead. With my daughter the anesthesiologist got it in the first try, and it was not painful so I was not used to this. After several attempts they said one more chance or we are going to put you completely under sedation (asleep). Thankfully, the last try he successfully got the epidural to work. 

At this point I'm freaking out that the docs going to cut into me before I'm numb. They had a blue sheet infront of my face so I wouldn't contaminate my incision. They did a few poke tests to see where the numbness was,and I was scared to tell him I didn't feel the pricks in case the numbing wasn't in full effect. I was panicking and before I knew it my husband was behind me (supposedly he was there the whole time and I didn't know). Hethe doctor was already cut into me and I felt tugging and pulling inside of me. I was screaming that I felt a sharp pain (which I did) almost where my pubic bone is. It might have just been a tool that was latched on to me, but even to this day I don't know what that was. The minute my son was out of me I felt 20 lbs lighter and they were stitching me up and cleaning my baby up. The anesthesia was very high in my body at this point and I felt panicky because I had to tell myself to breathe each breath and I felt like I was going to pass out and throw up. I told the anesthesiologist, and all he said was I told you this was going to happen. Really?! All I wanted to hear was it's okay, you're going to be okay! But no. He gave me a little medication for the nausea and it worked almost immediately which was nice. I tilted my head to the side just in case I threw up. I was so light headed I was sure I was dying. I was so scared.

They held my son to my face, I looked at him but I didn't want to hold him to my surprise. I was still panicked, shaking, and tired. Plus, I knew my husband was there to hold him. 

Eventually, I became so tired I was falling asleep and sure enough the anesthesiologist had to shake me and tell me to take a few breaths because my oxygen levels were dropping from not breathing. 

Finally they were all done and they sent me to an observation room for two hours. There I was watched by two nurses. They checked temperature, pulse, oxygen, blood pressure, and pushed on my stomach to get some of the blood out just like if you were to have a regular vaginal delivery.

My blood pressure was very low so they were worried I was bleeding out but eventually it corrected itself. My baby was brought to me where I was able to have him try to latch (even though he was a premie) and to bond with him. My husband was able to meet me back in there and comfort me. 

This is us^^^

After two hours I was wheeled to mothers and baby's where I would recover for 3 days. You will not get much sleep here so don't expect that. But my nurses were friendly and sweet.

Here is an over view-

Day 1: sleep, try to nurse, no eating for 24 hours except possible broth or ice chips, MEDICATION :), only laying down, family visits, bloody bloody underwear, blood work, vitals...etc

Day 2: have catheter removed, pee for first time (ow) get up for first time, sit in chair, eat something! :), drink, MEDICATION, nursing, try to walk, learn to roll to a side to get up, have nurses clean you, more visits, blood work, vitals, blond with baby...

Day 3: get up and walk around more, sit up, Nursing, eating, drinking, MEDICATION, own clothes, pack up all the hospital supplies you can get, go home!!!

Healing has been a long fun process but not NEARLY as bad as I expected. I thought I was going to be in my bed hopeless for 6-8 weeks but I was doing basic things when I got home. No lifting except for baby, don't cough, don't laugh, don't sneeze (this one's hard), driving after two weeks, keep up on medication no matter how you feel!!!!, lots and lots and lots of water, constipation fr those meds are NO joke, most painful poop of my ENTIRE life... TMI alert.. literally had to peel poop out of my ass just to unblock it, like I almost went to the ER to get an enema. 

Fast forward to today. I have minimal pain but I still take it easy, just walking with my abs engaged left me so sore and achy. Sometimes I get stinging pains in my incision and slightly itchy. (I'm currently 8 weeks pp).  And last but not least my incision pictures: from first- to most recent at bottom:

Every ounce of pain and scar was worth it for this little dude!:

Hope I was of some of luck to you all!!

3 month c section scar: (feels like a thin hard string and is red currently)