Excitascared about breastfeeding!!

Hi ladies! I've barely joined this room and I'm 21 weeks along. I have an almost 9 year old who I did not breastfeed. I was never educated about breastfeeding, nor did I go out there and try to educate myself on it (which I highly regret but what's done is done). I definitely want to breastfeed this time around but I've heard about so many different experiences, I'm so nervous. I have sensitive nipples as it is! I would appreciate it if you could share with me your stories about breastfeeding for the first time and what you do to make it work, how often, how you heal, if you ever get used to it, and most of all, what you eat to keep the milk coming. I will also have to pump for work. I will be contacting a lactation specialist but I would love to hear from personal experience as well for when the time comes. I know it's early but hey, I'd love to get information about it now. Thank you guys ❤️🌸❤️