My sister is pregnant.....Update*


I'm having a hard time processing it and dealing with certain emotions. I have a very strange relationship with my family. I was thrown out (pregnant) at 16. I was abused mentally and physically up until that point. So I took that as being set free and moved on with my life. My mother and sister have contacted me maybe 5 times in the last 6 years. Mainly only to brag about something that they have accomplished or obtained. I am very bitter and having a hard time being happy over the recent announcement of her being pregnant. I have four beautiful children. The youngest is turning a year in two weeks. They don't even come see them. I am in A very good place in my life and rather well off. My husband and I worked so hard to accomplish this. My sister was handed everything and treated like a princess. We are only 2 years apart. My family no longer has much because they are irresponsible. They had the nerve to call me to put in the request I should host her baby shower. Because I am her sister and better off than any one else. I'm already trying to handle everyone being so happy for her. It's not even jealousy. It's just I feel for my own children who have no one outside of my husband and I. I'm truly bitter over it yes. How do I deal. I am obviously very grateful a new life is coming. I'm just having so many mixed emotions and absolutely do not want to do the shower. Everyone is calling me such awful things since I told them no. Am I wrong? They are not apart of my life consistently and it's better that way. I sent my congratulations. It was even half heartedly done in all honesty. It makes me feel terrible.


Thank you so much everyone. I was simply so flabbergasted by everything! I have since pulled myself together and have been able to compose myself in a manner that is both aggressive yet kind. (Kill them with kindness) I informed them since they are not immediate or valuable family members in my life I would be unwilling to take such an offer. I would however purchase one large needed item for my niece/nephew. I explained firmly this was not for them and was only to benefit the child. I also asked them to refrain from future contact. I can not have these people in my life without it causing a negative impact. They rather rudely declined my offer and I'm pretty positive I will not receive future contact. (Blocked numbers!)