milk drying up?

Up until yesterday my LO was feeding well. My boobs often felt full and I could hear her gulping while eating. 
Since yesterday afternoon however she has been non-stop feeding. I don't think she's gone longer than an hour without crying for a feed in the last 31 hours. My boobs feel completely empty and I can no longer hear her gulping when she's at the boob. Her nappy out put is still good but for the first time tonight my partner had to give her a bottle of formula (only 90ml and she then fed at the boob) as I wasn't able to pump at all today due to her constantly feeding (the only way I get any sleep is for my partner to feed her a bottle while I have a nap in the evening once my 4yo has gone to bed).
She's also not too happy, very fussy for long stretches of time and she's hardly sleeping. She's never been a good sleeper but she's not usually this fussy with it. All my usual ways of getting her to sleep aren't working and as soon as I do get her to sleep her eyes ping open 10 minutes later and she's crying again.
She does have acid reflux but she's not been more sick than usual so I don't think that's the cause. I'm ill, I have a very bad cold which I have had for the past 2 weeks and today was diagnosed with a bad ear
Infection and possible burst ear drum. Could my illness be drying my milk up?? Seems odd a cold would effect it that much! Any ideas what could be happening? It's 3am here and I'm at my wits end.