I want him

Okay! I need some advice from all you sex loving beauties out there. There is this boy that I've known for a couple months now. We talk here and there. Party with the same group of friends. Seldomly work out together. And two weekends ago I slept in his bed with him after getting drunk. Nothing happened, he's a gentleman. But I have THE BIGGEST crush on him. And I literally can't get him out of my mind. Not just like wanting to be with him, but having sex with him. Every time I look at him, I want to take his clothes off, and like lick his arms??😂 anyways, since that weekend it's become sort of a habit for him to call me over to drive him home and asks me to go inside, but then nothing happens. How should I go about this? Should I make the first move? Help me he is so beautiful😍🔥