Will my doctor write me a note ?

My first appointment is March 10th where I will be 6wks3days . I have been at my job for a short time. However my job has the rights to mandate people over time and right now they are saying they will mandate new hires before anybody else. I get that working an extra 8 hours won't hurt me but an extra 24-40 hours a week is ridiculous on top of my regular 40 hour week. I'm 3rd shift and if they mandate me OT 3-4 days a week how am I suppose to get any sleep if I'm not getting out till 3:15 and be back in around 11 at night ? I am pregnant and I need more than 5 hours of sleep every night . Can I get my doctor to write me a note saying I'm only allowed to work 40 hours a week? Maybe I'm a wimp and should do the 60-80 hours a week but I'm trying to get enough sleep to throughout my pregnancy.