Dog all of a sudden peeing in the house...

I am 35 weeks into my 2nd pregnancy and all of a sudden my 9 year old dog is peeing in the house. 
We've had him since he was 3 months old and he's waaaaay past potty training. 
My husband seems to recall him doing something similar the last time I was pregnant but that was over 6 years ago so we can't remember what he did just that he started acting funny before our daughter arrived. 
My question is, has this happened to anyone else? It's only happened 3 times over the last 2 weeks. But it's driving me nuts! Bending over to clean up dog pee at 8 months pregnant is driving me up the wall. 
It was never my poor dog! It was one of my cats!!! It didn't smell like cat pee at all. But one day he was outside and I filled up his food dish (which is were the pee is always in front of) and when I let him in he ran right over to it and then ran away and I saw the pee and the cat sitting right next to it. My poor boy! I have such dog mom guilt for yelling at him.