When did your period come back?

Nicola • Mommy to the most loved, beautiful angel in heaven.. Giovanni Antonio Brown born January 21st, 2017 👼🏽❤️ My beautiful rainbow baby Ezra was born December 20th, 2017 🌈👶🏽💙 now expecting baby #3 12/2021 🥰
So, it's been about five and a half weeks since I delivered my angel baby.. I bled for like 3 weeks after I delivered him, then I had spotting every few days up until today. When I woke up this morning I had what I thought was spotting, I went to the doctor for my post partum check up, let them know I was spotting and they checked me out and said everything seemed to be going back to normal. I just now noticed I'm still bleeding, I haven't had a tampon or pad on all day and I haven't bled through any of my clothes so I'm just wondering basically is this my period returning or am I just spotting a lot more today than the other days? The other days I would only spot in the morning or it would be only when I wipe and just a little blood, today there's definitely more blood. I know I should have asked the doctor when I was there today but my appointment was first thing this morning so I didn't know I was going to be bleeding all day. The only reason I'm confused is because it's more blood than I've been having, but definitely not as much as I would if I was on my period & I don't have any cramps or anything. So I'm curious, how long did it take for your period to return after delivery?