4 month old formula fed night bottles...

Mel • Momma to 👶
I've been wondering what you fellow moms are doing for your 4 month old formula fed babes?  Do you wake baby every so many hours to feed? Do you let babe sleep and wake on their own to feed?  Just wondering if baby is formula fed should they be on a schedule at night?
Any input is appreciated. 😊
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I let mine let me know. He eats about 6 oz at 7pm then I go to bed at 8. (Lol kinda sucks but I have to sleep when baby sleeps), he usually wakes up twice before he gets up at 7am. So maybe like midnight and 4am. Sometimes I get lucky and he only wakes up once. I try to make sure he eats more during the day but he has none of it lol he eats when he wants to despite my efforts to sleep or get something done. Lol


Mel • Mar 2, 2017
I hear you on the day feedings. My little guy is sometimes too occupied with his surroundings or hands lol. So we moved the feedings to his room instead of the couch in the day.


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I will try to give baby her last bottle anywhere between 9pm-12am depending on when she is hungry and awake. I dont wake her, she will wake up to eat between 6am-9am. 


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I wouldnt wake mine they are old enough to wake when needed 😊


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She waked when she is hungry. I never wake to feed unless she has been down for a few hrs and I know she will be up soon and I'm tired I'm might rouse her to get that bottle in just to ensure I'm not being back up in less than an hr


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Never wake a sleeping baby 😴😴😴


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Let baby wake on their own