sad after pp doctor visit

I had a c section unexpectedly for the birth of my first child. Yesterday my doctor told me I only have a 50% chance of a vbac being successful. She thinks my pelvis is too small to deliver naturally. My son was almost 9 pounds and I got stuck at 6cm dilated for hours. But my son was also born at 42 weeks. I'm wondering if I'm the future I could be induced earlier maybe I could be successful? I always wanted a big family but now it just doesn't seem likely. I feel like my body failed me or like God doesn't agree with my plan for a big family. Maybe I'm being selfish in feeling sad because I do have this wonderful healthy baby. I know life often is unplanned but I just feel like a failure :( my husband thinks after the trauma of the c section we should just be one and done. I'm so sad. I'm sorry I guess I just needed to vent