Allergy to Progesterone Shot!

Dayna • Yay! Baby Savanna is finally here. Her big bro loves her! Dad and I are kinda crazy. 14 months apart! What were we thinking?! 😂 Now, to lose this belly!!
So, Monday was my 6th week of getting the shot.
I had posted a couple weeks ago asking how to make it hurt less. I got some good answers.
On my 5th week I tried a couple methods. The shot still bothered me and I noticed the injection site was itchy for about 5 days.
Well, this time I have big red welts around the injection site. They itch and bother me when I sit! I looked it up and it said that this is a common side effect. But! It sucks!
I'm not allergic to anything so I'm wondering what's going on like for real for real. Hoping it goes down today. If not, I guess I'm calling my doc.
Anyone else?