irritated (tmi)

Tested for BV twice . Once in the beginning of my pregnancy when I was 4 months and again a month and a half ago at 7 months  . Both times I've taken medication for it . I've been irritated in my vaginal area . On the inner lips and labia all the way down to the outter of my vagina for a month and a half . I don't know why . I went to the doctors a few times about it and they can't figure it out . I even had a white outline around my uretha which is itching as well . I'm 8 months pregnant and I can't even imagine pushing a baby out being this irritated. I thought maybe it came from me shaving because four days after that is when the irritation started ,but there's no way I'll still be irritated almost two months later . When I first found out about the BV I wasn't irritated at all . Had no symptoms at all . I only found out I had it a second time because I went to the doctors for this irritation and they did a pap. Guesssing it never went away the first time . I'm not sure if the irritation is from that or something else . I'm not even sure if its gone now but I'm planning on being tested again for it . I'm so annoyed beyond words & don't know what to do . I need to fix this before the baby tries to come . No it's not a STD . I've been tested for it and had the same partner for 4 years . Had none of these issues with my first  😩😩😩