Bad news at ultrasound- warning: long post

Today we had our elective gender ultrasound and the baby of course had it's legs crossed and we couldn't see for sure. After that the tech said we were supposed to talk to the doctor about the ultrasound and I told my mom and fiancé that that sounded bad and they reassured me it's probably just protocol. Well we waited forever and I had to use the restroom again and on my way back to the waiting room a nurse stopped me and said are you Morgan? And I responded yes. And she handed me two little papers with numbers and addresses on then and she said that Akron's children hospital is going to get ahold of me sometime soon but she's not sure which office so she was giving me them both so I had them just in case. I looked at the papers and it said on the tops of them "Fetal- Maternal Medicine Specialist" And I was like so is there something wrong with my baby then?? And she said well that's what the doctor wants to talk about. They saw something on the ultrasound and need to speak with you, so I started crying and said thanks and walked to the waiting room where I started bawling and my mom asked what's wrong and I couldn't speak so I gave the papers to my fiancé and he read it out loud and he was like well that could be anything, it might be because you have low blood pressure but when I gained my composure I said no that the nurse said they saw something on the ultrasound so we all sat in silence for another 40 minutes until I was called to go in, which I think is ridiculous. They tell me that little information then make me wait forever because they can tell me anything more.
 My fiancé and I went in and the doctor said that they saw something called an amniotic band where the sac had split so there's a cord going from one side to the other and that I would have to be monitored weekly starting ASAP to make sure it didn't cut the baby. She said there's always worst case scenarios that could cut off limbs or have the baby develop cleft palate if it's on the face but that the specialist will go more into depth of those scenarios when I see them. She also said that it's a rare syndrome but so far she has already seen 5 other patients and nothing major happened with those patient's babies so try not to stress and it's not something to cry about. She told me I could google it but to take it with a grain of salt as every case is different. Well I googled it and read that nothing happening to the baby is very unlikely and that 90% of cases at least have fingers cut off, so I'm freaking out and emotional. My fiancé called the rest of the day off as a personal day to be here with me.
Has anybody had any personal experience with ABS- amniotic band syndrome that can give some insight?
I'm also asking for some prayers and positive vibes 💕