So I'm a piece of shit

Kimberly🚮🚮😘 • Momma to Orion, Taurus, opinionated (sorry)

Apparently because I put my foot down and told my husband that he had to stop quitting jobs and help us get a place to live and a car, since we had a baby. So he moved in with his dad and in less than 2 months, guess what he had? A car and apartment.

I work also, but I guess I'm a piece of shit for not wanting to support his choice to not work because one thing would piss him off and he would quit. He had nothing physically wrong with him and he would quit over dumb things. Like the manager made him mad, or a customer made him mad, whatever he could find. After putting my foot down though, he's now on his way to management and he actually likes his job.

So yeah, I'm a piece of shit for pushing my husband to succeed. I knew he was capable of it, he just didn't believe in himself until he had no choice but to try his best. And if that makes me a piece of shit, so be it. We have a happy family now.