Would you be mad too?

So yesterday was my birthday and it's my best friend and I's tradition to get breakfast early in the morning before school when it's our birthday. But this year I turned 18 so I told her we would do lunch because I was going to get my license before school. She of course said yes no problem. So I told my mom that hey just want you to know I might be a little late to first period and she goes why? And I explained I was going to go to the DMV to get my new license. And she told me No you can go after school or during spring break it's not like you don't have a license. And I said fine, I was a little annoyed but whatever. So I went to school then had lunch with my best friend. Then I had to go to work. I worked until about 11 and when I got home nobody was up or had gotten me a cupcake or anything. I was pretty upset then. I understand my mom has to work early in the morning but the least you could do was get me a cupcake and just leave it out. Anyways I went to go to bed and was scrolling through facebook and my mom had tagged me in something so I look at it.(post in picture) And I just started bawling I was so angry and just felt ignored. This had to be one of the shittest birthdays yet. 

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