Is having a "virtual baby shower" rude?

Nikki • Mother of two angels & 1 rainbow baby, Lillian.
I live in a really small town out in the middle of nowhere in Nebraska. My parents are in Florida. Grandma is 3 hours away. Other family in Minnesota, Georgia, Tennessee, California... Most of my best friends live 3 hours away. Plus, when I'd probably need to have my shower is a busy time of year when many are going on summer vacations. Instead of trying to round everyone up, which is impossible, a friend suggested I have a virtual shower. It's basically sending out an invitation just letting people know where we are registered if they want to help out with baby things (like photo). Part of me thinks  his is rude, though. In a way, I see it as sort of saying, "Hey, buy us things..." What are your thoughts?

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