growing up & guilty

I've been sheltered my whole life. My parents were divorced by the time I was a year old. So for 18 years of my life I've gone back and forth to both houses. I love both of my parents. But I'm turning 19 in 2 months, finishing my senior year, living with my mom mainly, spending time with my SO of 3 years, and trying to be as stress free as I can. And now that im an adult, my parents know they have no say in what I can do. They try, and even though they try controlling me when I know they can't, it still stresses me out. And it's really hard to make time for my dad lately. Going there isn't terrible but it's so exhausting because I don't have a car, and that means walking a few miles to school the morning after I stay. And weekends are the only time I have for fixing my mental state of mind with my man. Idk guys, I'm just over the whole going back and forth thing and I hate feeling guilty