husband vs my mom

Couple months back I had a huge fight with my mom over her smoking. Specifically when it comes to her being around my first born who is due in May. I expressed my concern and also explained why I didn't want to spend too much time in her home when I visit bc of the smoke saturation. She took a great deal of offense to my concerns and requests and totally made me feel as though I was cornering her as a "horrible mother" because she can't kick the habit. She totally went off the deep end. Mind you, normally our relationship is very even keel and stable, loving. Needless to say I was devastated after her reaction. She said a lot of things out of spite like she would never help out or come visit my baby since I have such a huge problem with her for an example. Then proceeded to ask if my husband "put me up"'to this. Uh...NO. I shouldn't have to justify why I don't want my child directly around heavy cig smoke and why me being 7 mos pregnant doesn't want to stay overnight in a home where the person chainsnokes non stop. Really???? And, as a child who grew up in that. Sufffered from intense allergies, eczema, respiratory infections and bullying bc I smelled like smoke at school. I explained all of this to my husband bc I was so distraught and now he has totally lost all respect for my mother and I hate it! I feel like I should've kept it to myself. Now he wants nothing to do with her and I don't know how to handle his.