Mother's Day for thoughts who have lost lost there baby's

Iv had <a href="">ivf</a> 2 times in the last 18 months I'm now taking a brake as both times it resulted in a miscarriage first time at 5week 4 days send time 8 weeks 5 days, 
It's been absolutely heart braking and me and my hubby have decided that we needed time for us, which is the right decision for us, how ever I can't help but feel I have this empty feeling and a hole in my heart for our babies we never got to meet, everywear I go I am seeing Mother's Day signs friends going on about it, 
Is it bad that feel that I just want to cry I want to be told you are a mother I just didn't get to meet him or her, I just want a cuddle, my hubby dose not seem to understand how I am feeling yet Iv tried to talk to him, 
Is it wrong for me to feel this way if I'm not a mother ? 
I just want to to know I'm not going mad