At what may have been 9DPO (according to glow) I took a HPT in the afternoon

At what may have been 9DPO (according to glow) I took a HPT in the afternoon. The result was negative. I let the test in the bathroom and went on with my day. The next morning after using the bathroom I took a look at the test from the previous day. Of course, I was expecting an evaporation line. And there it was a line, but it was THIN, CLEAR and...unexpectedly PINK. After I searched on google, I cracked open the test and it was still wet. Very wet, completely soaked in urine. I was now confused, but decided to wait another day.
​After two more days I took another test (same brand) and the second line appeared in the time frame indicated on the box. A faint line, but definitely there, definitely pink. This was my result at 11 DPO, 2 days before my expected period.
​As for the symptoms, I had a few cramps here and there, similar with cramps before AF, but one sided only. I also went to bed earlier starting on 8DPO, this being very unusual for me. My breasts were unusually sore on the sides between 5 DPO and 11 DPO.
​My husband is currently on medication for some prostate issues and his urologist told him that his sperm count will decrease dramatically during this treatment. Anyway, we choose to BD once every two days before and during my fertile window. That is we did BD 3 times during my indicated fertile window. During these tries I monitored my CM and we BDed when I had ewcm.
​Other symptoms unusual for me were burping very often during the day, peeing more frequently and craving raw vegetables (another unusual thing for me).
​I hope this pregnancy is going to be ok for me and for my little bean. I hope that everyone who's struggling to get pregnant are their BFP as soon as possible!