atopic eruption of pregnancy

Jessika • ♥️ 30 year old mommy to 4 sweet babies 3 on earth and one in heaven (born sleeping at 31 weeks 6 days)
 Every pregnancy I have had so far has been accompanied by a painful, itchy, red rash. Usually it covers my face and neck, my wrists and my elbows. It is externally painful and looks similar to severe eczema. It has always bothered me that I didn't know of anyone else this happened to but today I discovered it is an actual condition that other women have went though! I'm excited to hear I'm not alone in this particular struggle and wanted to post to let anyone else know who may have this as well! We'll get through it!
(For women to are curious) 
The treatments for me were mild topical creams and at the very worst times, oral steroids like prednisone