Ladies!!!!! if you need relief from hemorrhoids!!!!

Ok so as we all know one of the least favourite joys of pregnancy is constipation. Never thought I would find myself celebrating a normal BM as it happens so rarely nowadays. Anyway, with that being said, adding to the difficulty is hemmorhoids 😐 Not fun. So recently because of all the straining, I developed quite the painful 'roid that made it hard even to sit. I used Tuck's pads and  Prep H but they only provided temporary relief.It hurt soooo bad and nothing seemed to ease the pain so I googled hemmorhoid relief and to my surprise I saw "coconut oil". I was skeptical but I figured hey, I'll try anything at this point. And I gotta say it's amazing!!!! It relieved the pain almost right away. So ladies if you're looking for relief from those pesky 'roids, coconut oil is awesome!!!