3 hour glucose test/fasting

I failed my 1 hour, so I have to go back Tuesday for my 3 hour. According to what I've heard and read, I have to fast for 8 hours, and have 4 blood draws. 
This simply will not work for me! I have EXTREME morning sickness. I have to take my medicine in the morning so that I won't get sick, but if I proceed to not eat after taking my medicine, I'll be sick. I can't imagine the off chance that I'll feel well enough to get out of bed without medication or food, but if I manage, that drink will certainly come back up, or I'll end up fainting during the blood draws. Is their anything at all that I could nibble on? Even something small, just to get me to the clinic to finish the test. I want to do everything I can to pass the test this time, but I can't do that if I'm unable to complete it..I just feel so defeated.