Does it sound like I'm pregnant?

I got off bc 6 months ago. Currently ttc. My cycles are 32-34 days long. I've just felt different this month, so much that I made myself take a test 4 days ago (11 dpo) with morning urine with bfn. I had lower abdominal cramps for 4 days the week after ovulation (I very rarely cramp!). I'm currently super gassy, nauseous, and headache (might just be sickness?) hot flashes and chills. I haven't felt these symptoms until today. Currently have white/watery d/c in increased amount.  

Prior to this i have only had a couple of sneezing fits a few days here and there, tender boobs (they're implants & I don't get sensitive very often). 

Please add what your symptoms were before your missed period! 

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