Anyone else having major acne breakouts?

Leah Margaret • 3 children to adore, and adding one more! My fiancé Craig and I are expecting pink bows on 06/04! 🎀
Is anyone else dealing with extremely bad acne? If so did you have acne before becoming pregnant or did it appear/get worse with the pregnancy? Again, of you do have bad acne what do you do to keep it under control/keep your skin clear? I never had bad acne, only an occasional breakout as a teenager when AF was coming. Since my first pregnancy I began having acne during the pregnancy, but then postpartum it would go away and only appear when AF was approaching. After my second pregnancy the acne didn't go away as much as after the first, and after my last pregnancy the acne stayed with me. BUT I was able to control the breakouts with a wash routine. Now I'm 27+1 weeks with my last and the acne is worse than it ever was before. Now I not only have it throughout my T-zone but on my cheeks as well! And that's just my face! My back and shoulders and the top of my breasts are also broken out. It is causing me to feel very self conscious about myself, which leads to episodes of depression as well. I don't wear makeup on a regular basis and I don't want to start now, especially wearing heavier makeup when I always only did basic natural looking makeup, or a dramatic eye/lip. UGH! I don't know what to do to get the acne under control. Any tips or advice would be great. 

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