
So for the past two days I've been mad at my boyfriend over a friend of his she's a female and his ex gf. I don't trust most of his female friends cause I feel they are exs. But he told me he not the girl haven't done anything to eachother . But my mom still believes it does and as to his ex , she lost her dad and a message on his page popped up from her friend saying that did he know and he wanted to talk to her about it because he lost his dad too , I didn't really want that. Cause she's been disrespectful toward me and him different times. And he says he hasn't talked to but my mind still believes it . And idk I feel like he's cheating on me but the way he telling me isn't. I've been figuring out his passwords to his media often the past few days too and he changed them all. And I keep going at it with him. I just think he isn't telling the truth so I keep trying to get it out of him. I don't know what I'm asking from you ladies but I don't know it'd it's a pregnancy symptom or my anxiety, am I crazy , or just assuming? 
Maybe I went over board. :( and while I'm making this happen I'm worried that I may hurt us. Or this is a mood swings or phase idk I was fine at one point and got mad again.