Extremely selfish husband

My husband has recently decided to just sleep whenever he is home. He works 5 days a week 9-5 in an office and I'm a SAHM. He's 30 and I'm 25. My toddler had a doctors appt this morning and I asked my husband to take him since I didn't want to take my newborn to a doctors office unnecessarily. The appt was at 9, he was home by 10. I asked if he wanted to come to the park and he said maybe then went to bed😒 it's 3pm now and he's still asleep leaving me to take care of two under two alone. He was out with his friends all day yesterday and was miraculously able to get up at 5am to go off roading with them and wasn't home til 10pm but I had to beg him to get up at 830am this morning for a doc appt for our son. Whenever he is home (seldomly) and not with friends he's sleeping and its pissing me off. My son keeps asking if daddy is going to come to the park and asks why daddy is always sleeping. If my husband is left undisturbed on weekends he ALWAYS sleeps in until at least 1pm and always goes on about how tired he is afterwards (he has nothing wrong medically btw). The kids were mutually decided between us and he was so happy when I got pregnant both times. He is constantly out with friends (5 nights a week at least) and then sleeps whenever he's home? I'm at my wits end. Whenever I talk to him about it he's so unapologetic and says his life isn't going to change just because he has a family and he's going to do what he wants to do. I don't understand how someone can have so much time for friends but suddenly be exhausted whenever he's home, it's extremely frustrating. What would you do?