To early to test....

Hi I have a 7.5 month old and I have not been trying but I'm starting to feel pregnancy....yes I'm on birth control. I feel bloated and like sick to my stomach. I can't stop going to the bathroom and I even peed myself a little bit today TMI. I'm cramping a little bit brushing my teeth today made me sick. My period In January was a week late it was 3 days and pretty light. Then February it was 2 days late and it was 2 days and then two weeks later I got a period Again that was only three hours. My question is my next period is supposed to be here in a week is it too early to test to see.... even though it's not planned I would be okay with it.... not the greatest I'm in not even have an eight month old but it is what it is. I had a miscarriage before her and she was at an extremely high risk pregnancy and I end up having her early and she was only 3 pounds 13 ounces. So if I was pregnant I really would like to know right away. PS I did your pregnant with her on birth control also.... I also have very regular periods So being off for 2 months is very odd