Freckles 😍 who's got em ? Let's see these angel kisses πŸ‘€πŸ‘„

It's crazy how these days girls are getting tattooed freckles on themselves 😳 Growing up I hated mine πŸ˜’ but now I absolutely just love em. I have my days where I'll pile on the makeup πŸ’„ to get that flawless skin for the day 😍 but that doesn't mean I'm trying to hide them πŸ™„ I embrace my uniquely pigmented skin. Just not so much in the sun β˜€οΈπŸ˜‚ Β I feel just as equally beautiful with or without makeup &I hope all of you ladies do too ! My freckles are my angel kisses and I wouldn't change anything about them. Show us your beautiful angel kisses ladies πŸ˜˜βœ‹πŸΌπŸ’―
(Photos) Me with and without makeup. And of course my gorgeous little stepdaughter 😍