What to do when I go back to work! (long post)

I go back to work in a few wks. Our original caregiver (family friend) fell through last min. Not mad just sucks we're now scrambling. We've toured daycares and are phone interviewing potential nannies now, but I'm just confused. My hubby is leaning towards daycare after speaking w/our good friend who put both his kids in daycare (we're FTP). He says he feels better about our worries and of course the cost is cheaper, but he'll do a nanny if I absolutely don't want daycare and we find the right one. There are pros and cons to each and cost is a big issue for us, but I feel like our son is so young I don't mind struggling a little more for this 1st year and cutting other unnecessary expenses so he could have individualized attention in his own home w/his own stuff daily. Socialization isn't a big deal to me yet as kids don't actually begin to play w/each other until preschool age. They simply play next to each other etc. and he'll have that experience once he's over 1 year. Again so many pros and cons to each. I'm just torn. Do I make us struggle monetarily for him being in his own home and taken care of individually or do I help us out financially and believe that like SO many other babies he'll be just fine? I guess my question is how did you mommies that already went back decide what to do? And honestly if cost wasn't a factor what would you do? Thanks for reading this all if you did and I appreciate the feedback!