this is motherhood

This is motherhood with out make up this is me a mum and still asking myself if I will ever no what I'm doing
 you never know when something is gunna go all out of plan 
right now I'm sitting here 5am in the morning thinking I now haven't slept in 24hours because my twin 4 week old are ill and my 3 year old is so ill the snotty nose seems to never stop
A few hours ago I was in tears I felt helpless 
I'm now also sick and hubby as the man flu and we all no how that is lol
After feeding my girls and letting my girls fall asleep on me I remember I accidentally forgot to put the milk away grrr but it's just milk 
I lay them down to sleep to hear my 3 year old yell "mum my tummy hurts" I go in to comfort her and got vomited on well at least it not shit haha
She had a temp of 38.4 so I gave her something for the temp and I put her in a shower with me as I needed to wake up anyway 
I'm exhausted, I'm tired 
to others I'm fine they ask how I do it! They ask why I always look so good! 
I don't always look good, I don't always feel like I know what I'm doing 
this is motherhood it's not all smiles and first laughs and joy 
Sometimes it just plan pushing your self to limits you don't no you had 
Sometimes you can't tell what that cry is for you got to work it out, 
But that's ok 
it's ok to feel like some days are hard, it's ok to feel like you need to cry and it's ok to say (I don't no how I do it, I just do) 
So to any new mum out there feeling like they are failing 
Your not 
My twins are my 6 and 7th babies and I remember the pressure of my first to put on a face of (I'm ok) 
That face of I know what I'm doing 
After 7 kids I still don't have a clue and I'm not having more but if I did I still wouldn't no 
So mummy's please don't feel a need to be perfect 
Remember your a mum your not a robot and babies don't have a how to book 
Your learning and you will never stop 
And that's ok